So yesterday started with a gentle walk along some of the loveliest beaches ever. Turquiose sea lapping onto the fine hot sands enclosed in a tree lined bay. We (The hillbilly guy from the pub hotel and tourist Daniel from Melbourne) walked around rock pooled headlands and through mounds of eucalyptus to each succesive bay. Chilled and chatted.
Visited 'Snug cove' where the whale watching boats leave from (in season) and picked up a big bag of mussels for four quid. We drove down to one of the loveliest beaches and used their free barbie to bake our mussels. WOW. I don't think anything has tasted that good. Such huge succulent beasts of salty sweet goodness, and all with the sunshine of the bay. Really nice to have some company for a bit too. Nice to know i can still hold a conversation! Drank tea and bathed in the doona of afternoon sun as the shadows stretched. (doona meaning duvet or quilt!)
Off to read the paper on the other beach now before the sun gets too hot!
On the night bus to Melbourne tonight. Then Tasmania on the 24th.
Big love XXX Jo