Wednesday, 19 November 2008


The street is a constant melange of horns and shouting as people glide (without sweating?) through the dusty weave of transport. Crossroads where everyone moves accross at the same time; people, animals, cattle and carts, bikes, motorbikes, cars, lorries, rickshaws and anything else that decides to move. Piles of rubbish everywhere an overspill I imagine from the days when rubbish was totally nature based and not the transition plastic waste of today. It's really hard to watch people throwing plastic bags pout of the bus window but I'm sure its all in the name of 'jobs for the boys' The Government have a lot to sort out. And I'll give a prize if anyone can tell me how to keep clean and dry in the dust and humidity. Everyone's spotless in their starched ironed shirts and flowing saris.... everyone but me!!