Tuesday, 18 November 2008

The Bombay mix

Now in Bombay/Mumbai and surviving surprisingly well on very little sleep (must be all that practise in Bristol and Weymouth!). My air conditioned sleeper train ticket, including pillow, sheet, blanket, space to stretch and fresh chai on wake up... was sadly not confirmed when i arrived at the station last night. The waiting list i was assured I would be included on did not as they'd indicated actually include anything to do with me! So i was destined to buy another ticket, the only one available being 'general carriage' where i was told i would have to 'make my own luck'  !! This (on a dark station platform at 9pm with many alcohol breathing staggering males lurking) was not what i thought of as fun, imagining now the cattle carriage with women and children squeezed into small spaces as men swayed and spat on the dusty floor...

I'v obvoiusly watched too many films. yes there was a bundle, no i didn't have a seat but a shared space on a luggage rack, but the punters were very friendly and i was escorted to my hotel by 2 navy boys doing their bit for  their chosen god (or breast, not too sure about that one!) anyway...all good in the end!!

Now have had a great day in Bombay. Amazing place, amazing buildings, met some great people, and even the touts are not too in your face. Still can't stop eating..Just ate bombay duck (fried fish) for tea and (in the safety of a reasonably posh restaurant ie with a generator for their ice-cream freezer) i had a large bowl of Kulfi. wow. now off to see a Bollywood film to practise my Hindi.

Am even taking sugar in my masala chai

Big love XX Jo

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