Monday, 22 December 2008

the top of the world!

Throng La 5416m
Originally uploaded by box fish
Day 10.
On the day of the pass we got up at 4.30am to walk uphill 1000 metres. It was -9.5 degrees! the moon was nearly full as we trekked, well wrapped, in the still surreal darkness. warmed up quickly as the sun began to rise. Breathing heavily in the thin air and only fuelled by biscuits we tramped up and up through snowy moonscaped scenery. We eventually reached the Thorong La pass at 5416 metres and skipped around to thaw our toes feeling very proud of ourselves.

Descended a knee breaking 1600 metres through the most awesome scenery of my life to our first beer in a week. Incredible! Dave and I and the rest of the scattered posse we met along the way feasted well and shared our non existent sleep patterns.

Completed the circuit now... all 220 km of it! Would recommend it to everyone. My body feels battered but i have thighs Tina Turner would be proud of. I seem to be developing an addiction to rum hot chocolate in the name of festive celebrations.

May you all be developing your festive spirits too XXXXX