Sunday, 9 November 2008

my body is no longer a temple

In Goa now,
Haven't reached party zone yet or even beaches as my body has taken control (Medical beg now in use Chris!) This will undoubtably be very brief!! I just went out to find some simple clean food to force down (the first in 24 hours) Feeling weak and feeble i dragged my limp feet along the heated road of the midday sun and as a smily man asked if i wanted a taxi I tumbled over the constantly uneven road twisting my ankle!! An offering of ice declined (as i think it was my pride hurt more than anything) I realised I'd stumbled (literally!) into a reasonably posh hotel with an air con bakery. Now having mouse nibbled some bread and yougurt I'm on my way back to the hotel bed, fan and toilet. 
Apart from feeling like I've got growing pains all over my body and life has been sucked from me, I'm in quite a quaint old portuguese style town named Panjim. little streets with steps everywhere and balconies hanging over. will venture to the beaches in the next few days. I think the worst is over.
best be off now!
XXX Summer loving Jo

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